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Can Electric Bikes Get Wet?

Keep your e-bikes safe even with the changing weather

As technology molds the future, electronic devices like laptop computers, smartphones, and smart TVs are so close to completely redefining the way we live. These breakthroughs in many (if not all) fields make life so much more comfortable than it used to be. Take transportation for example, commuting in an urban set-up has never been easy. Even if you have your own private car, the odds of getting late for work are just about the same. We know that you just simply want to get away with the city’s hustle and bustle and reach your destinations quicker. But your regular bike cannot do that for you without looking so drained and washed out, can it? So it’s out with the old and in with the new because electric bikes are now here to save you from your everyday transportation problems.

All electric bike users know how convenient it is to use one. Not only do you get the benefits of getting more fit and healthier, but you also get to have your own service vehicle to go to work or anywhere for that matter. It allows you to squeeze in through the heavy traffic and climb through steeper slopes without getting too exhausted pedaling because of its electric pedal assistance feature. Electric bikes have become part of people’s daily habits. But in the case that you don't have one yet, here are some reasons why you should get an electric bike. Whether it’s for leisure or transportation purposes, people are using e-bikes every day, everywhere in the world. 

But the world, as we know it, is constantly changing in all aspects. One thing you can never tell is the weather. Today’s weather is so unpredictable, one minute it’s sunny, the next it’s pouring hard. And we all know that water and electricity do not mix well, so now you’re probably worrying about your e-bike, and maybe the question has already crossed your mind: can electric bikes get wet? The answer to that is yes, but just like most electronic devices, electric bikes are water-resistant. They are not waterproof.  Being water-resistant means being able to resist the penetration of water only up to a certain degree, while being waterproof, as the term suggests, being impervious to water. So how do you know the extent of an electric bike’s water-resistance?

IP rating

The IP code, “International Protection code” or IP ratings,  "Ingress Protection" ratings are defined in the international standard EN 60529 and developed by many international organizations. They are used to define levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures or mechanical casings (of electrical devices) against intrusion from foreign materials and moisture. Basically, IP ratings are used to classify the degrees of protection that an electric-powered device has from water, dust, and accidental contacts. Given below is the IP chart used internationally for the mechanical casings of electrical devices.

An IP rating of an electrical enclosure is presented as “ IP _ _  “ where the first digit (intrusion protection) dictates the degree of protection against solid foreign objects while the second digit (moisture protection) tells you the degree of protection from liquids. The first digit is replaced with the letter “X” when the given electrical enclosure has not undergone any solid protection testing at all. 

Electric bicycles are just as good without dust-resistance, but having minimum protection from liquids or water for that matter is a must. All electric bikes are thoroughly tested to make sure that the electric motor, e bike battery, and the electrical components (wirings) are properly sealed. That is why electric bikes, having an integrated electrical system built on them, are made to be water resistants. Most of them fall under the IP rating of IP X4, which means that they are protected from water splashes that can come from all directions. Don’t worry too much because an IP rating of IP X4 is more than enough if you ever get yourself and your electric bike caught under the rain. 

In summary, electric bikes, being water-resistant electronic devices, can get wet occasionally. That being said, you should still take care of your e-bike and make sure to get to know more of its features. When you make yourself aware of your electric bike’s water-resistance property and other related specifications, you're more likely to find it more confident and enjoyable riding your electric bike even in extreme weather conditions. So find out your e-bike's IP rating, and you're good to go under the rain, but of course, for a limited time only!

Taking care of your-e-bike

Thinking about it, you spend most of your time every day riding your e-bike, whether it’s going to work or just simply spending some spare time at the park. Undeniably, electric bikes are becoming our new best friends. And to make it easier for you to treat your best friend right even when under wet conditions, here are some tips you can do to maintain your good relationship with your electric bike.


Tip #1: Make your e-bike “more” water-resistant

It’s nice to know that your electric bike is at the most resistant to water splashes because neither the electric motor nor the battery will fail due to moderate rain alone. But that doesn’t mean it’s good that your e-bike is always exposed to this type of condition, so equipping your e-bike with things like fenders to minimize splashing should be one of your top priorities.


Featured product: Adjustable Front/Rear Fender Set


Tip #2: Use protective accessories

As you take on the road, you will be competing with faster and more gigantic vehicles, and of course, you don’t want to be rammed into the sidewalk just for being small, so you need to make yourself and your bike visible to everyone throughout night and day. This is one of the basic rules in biking, investing in protective accessories such as lights (head and tail), a helmet with reflectors attached, and gloves for more grip in case of rain or sweaty hands. These are only some of the primary protective accessories, and you can always add more to ensure your safety on the road.


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Feature product: Premium Quality Airflow Bike Helmet


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Tip #3: Lookout for crucial spots

Signages are true; pavements are indeed slippery when wet. When it rains, make sure to look out for slippery spots or deep puddles. These can mean simple fallen debris like leaves or branches. As you avoid standing water like puddles, you might as well want to stay away from painted road lanes, metal grates, and covers because they can be extra slippery when it rains.


Tip #4: Slow down, brake early

An electric bike has a higher average speed than a regular bike, mainly because of its pedal-assist and throttle functions. The electric pedal assistance, boosting your speed, must be used in appropriate places and conditions. When biking in a sea of vehicles with the rain falling hard from above, it is advisable to slow down your e-bike and ride at a speed you feel you're most safe at. When it rains, reaction time can get longer than usual. Alongside with being attentive to the possible cautions around you, is practicing to hit the brake early. This will not only give you more time to slow down before an unexpected barrier, but it will also ensure your body posture does not change abruptly. But even before riding your e bike, make sure to check your disc brakes and other components that can affect your riding experience.


Tip #5: Weatherproof yourself 

Your electric bike is not your only concern. You and your important belongings are your topmost priority. Having protective pads is always better than nothing at all. Wearing appropriate clothes and shoes makes riding more comfortable. Wear clothes that are somehow weatherproof, whether it may seem to rain or not, don’t forget to bring a rain-resistant jacket or coat. Waterproof your stuff, especially your charger and extra battery, put them in a sealed dry place. Purchasing things to weatherproof yourself and your stuff can be costly but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Tip #6: Give your e-bike a tender, loving care

After every ride, do not forget to wipe your e-bike. Clean it with a dry, smooth cloth and make sure that each corner of the electric motor’s casing as well as the battery's, are completely dry and well. Always follow the proper e-bike maintenance program given to you, treat your e-bike as someone you love. And after everything, let your e-bike rest somewhere safe and sound.


The world has its own way of telling things, especially when it comes to the weather. You’ll never know whether it’s going to rain or shine tomorrow or the next day, so it’s best to expect and prepare for the worst. Same thing with your electric bike, while e-bikes are water-resistant, you have to also be diligent in using it, just like any electronic device. Taking care of your e-bike and making sure it’s properly equipped with the necessary accessories will make it perform better and last longer under any given weather. 

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